And the winner is …

TransStock > Analysis > And the winner is …

With the start of the new year, it is interesting to consider the performance of your portfolio against the performance of the stock market indexes in 2017.

If the indexes rose to heights never seen before and if your portfolio remained more or less the same, it is important to change your position in time.

RX = Robot-monitored model portfolios / IDX= National stock market index
YTD increase as of 1/1/2017 – Excess = Difference between stock market index and model portfolio


In 2017, most stock markets performed quite well. The New York Stock exchange quoted +19% higher. However, Europeans investing in New York were a little less lucky. The dollar weakened with -15% at the same time, which meant the New York Stock Exchange corrected to Euro rose only 4%. That, in turn, is less than most European markets. The same phenomenon occurred for Zurich: +15% higher in Swiss Francs, but -3% lower in Euros.

The importance of covering positions in a foreign currency cannot be emphasized enough. During the lessons from 2017, we frequently revisited this topic, and we are continuing to do so in 2018.

The Athens Stock Exchange rose with +19.69% in 2017. This shows that the market is doing well, but it still quotes 21% lower than where it was three years ago.

With 10.30%, Brussels slightly outperforms Paris. Amsterdam and Frankfurt performed a little better, and Milan performed admirably with +13.62%.

Since 2017, investment software TransStock contains fifteen robot-monitored model portfolios (RX). With the exception of Toronto, the model portfolios outperformed their respective stock market indexes.

The average yield on all stock market indices is +8/93%. The average yield of the model portfolios is +19.71. As you can see, the model portfolios are performing twice as well!
Also consider the difference over a period of three years… On average, the model portfolios perform almost four times as well as the stock market indices! (46.78% against 12.67%)

For 2018, you can once more purchase one of the model portfolios in its entirety, in order to reach the same yield at the end of 2018.

You can spread the purchase of a model portfolio over multiple months, if you are of the opinion that the market has reached a top.

The table above clearly illustrates that technical analysis plays a primary role with the choice and purchase of shares.

We wish you a healthy and profitable 2018!

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